Lesson 18: Sound and Hearing

Sound is a truly remarkable phenomenon, and it’s made possible through the vibrations of an object displacing air molecules. Just think: when we use our voices to communicate, our vocal cords vibrate together and allow us to express ourselves. Similarly, a vibrating guitar string can lead to beautiful music – by striking its strings, this instrument produces waves that move back and forth so quickly they can displace the air around them.

Having an understanding of how sound is created and propagated can be immensely helpful in comprehending how our ears are able to perceive sounds. You will have the knowledge to investigate more into why some frequencies sound better than others, and what factors we need to consider for optimal sound quality.

Whether you’re humming a tune or experiencing your favorite song, sound is a form of vibration that connects us all. In this course, you’ll have the opportunity to explore the underlying physics that relates to sound. You will unravel the mysteries of how sound travels through air, what happens inside your ears when it arrives, and how your brains interpret the signals being received.

Along the way, you will also discover how to use these concepts to manipulate audio for enhanced experiences and better blends for instruments! Don’t feel overwhelmed if this information does not make sense right away–it takes time and experience to fully appreciate what lies beneath the surface.

Embrace this process and allow yourself to learn more as we go along. With enough perseverance and dedication, everything here will eventually come into focus!