How to be a DJ in New York

Image of a man djing in a club to illustrate How to be a DJ in New York

How to be a DJ in New York

Living as a DJ in New York City is as electrifying as the city itself. It’s an ever-changing landscape where the city’s pulse is the beat you mix. From the spectacular skyline to the vibrant neighborhoods, every corner of NYC pulsates with an energy that inspires you to create and innovate. But it’s a competitive space, and if you’re just starting out, you may be wondering how to be a DJ in New York.

The diverse array of clubs, bars, and underground parties is as varied as the city’s populace and each gig is a unique experience. One night you could be delivering heart-thumping beats to a crowd of thousands, the next you’re crafting a chill set for a cozy lounge.

In New York, music isn’t just sound–it’s a lifestyle. The city builds a voracious appetite for fresh and dynamic beats, keeping you on your toes and always seeking out the next big track. The flip side? The competition is fierce. There’s always a new DJ ready to take the stage and show their chops.

The challenge fuels you, keeps you innovating, and pushes you to be the best. Whether you’re spinning vinyl records or producing digital beats, the goal is to create a soundtrack that mirrors the city’s spirit. Being a DJ in New York is more than a job – it’s an adventure filled with late nights, endless music, and the thrill of standing at the intersection of culture and sound.

But it’s not going to happen overnight. It takes a lot of skill, perseverance, and a never-ending learning experience that demands you stay on top of the next big sound. The New York Recording Connection can help you get there with our Live DJ Workshop, where you’ll learn from an experienced DJ about what it takes to be a DJ in this city–or anywhere else.

How to be a DJ in New York

Being a DJ in New York is equal parts imagination, preparation, and organization. Here are some general steps you should follow to bring your sound to the teeming masses.

  • Develop Your Skills
  • Get Equipment
  • Build Your Brand
  • Get Experience
  • Network
  • Beyond The Music

Develop Your Skills

Learn the basics of DJing, such as beatmatching, mixing, and song selection. Start out by downloading free digital audio workstations (DAW) so you can build your skill–you don’t want to spend hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars on software until you know the basics. Study different music genres to broaden your repertoire and cater to a diverse audience.

You also need to ask yourself: is this a hobby or a career? You need to dedicate time to practice and refine your skills. Practice different mixing techniques and experiment with transitions. Record and share your mixes online and be ready to accept feedback that will help you grow.

If being a DJ in New York is what you were born to do, let Recording Connection help you build your foundation. Our Live DJ Workshop will pair you with an experienced DJ, where you’ll learn the ins, outs, tips, and tricks of the trade from someone already in the industry.

Our Live DJ Workshop is the perfect start for beginners, as well as those who are already advanced in their skills. Our workshop provides you with the principles of the genre to help you create outstanding live performances. You’ll learn the software, the hardware, how to build a brand, and score gigs.

Get Equipment

Once you’ve decided that being a DJ in New York is for you and you’ve got a good understanding of the software, it’s time to invest in some DJ equipment. This includes a controller, mixer, headphones, and speakers. You don’t have to go overboard at the start because the gear can be really expensive really fast.

Once you’ve decided between vinyl turntables, digital controllers, or a combination of both, it’s time to work on your library. Gather a diverse collection of music across various genres. Having a wide selection will help you tailor your sets to different audiences.

Build Your Brand

Of course it’s all about the music–but your audience will be looking for a complete show when they come to see you perform. So creating an interesting, and consistent, brand is a must. Develop a unique DJ name and logo that represent your style and work on your stage presence (from LED helmets to suits and skinny ties).

Create social media profiles to showcase your mixes, events, and personal notes, and keep them all updated. Share your mixes on platforms like SoundCloud and Mixcloud and create a professional website or blog to showcase your work, upcoming gigs, and contact information. Reach out to event organizers and promoters to express your interest in DJing at their events, providing them with a sample mix or portfolio.

Get Experience

The best way to become a Live DJ in New York is to get out there and perform–experience is the best teacher. Once you’ve developed a solid set, start performing at smaller local events, parties, and open mics. This will help you gain experience and exposure.

And get as much feedback as possible. Take that (constructive) information and keep refining your skills, learning new techniques, and staying updated with music trends. As you build a following and improve your sound, upgrade your portfolio and start looking for larger events or showcases to perform.

The Recording Connection Live DJ Workshop will show you how to prepare for a gig, develop a 30-minute set, and approach promotional companies to get your name on the roster for local venues. This is where you’ll really learn what it takes to become a DJ in New York.


Part of becoming a good DJ is to watch other good DJs perform. Attend local DJ events, music festivals, and clubs to connect with fellow DJs, promoters, and industry professionals. See how other artists work their music, the stage, and their audience–and then develop your own presence.

By building relationships and collaborating with local artists and producers, you can start collaborating with them and even tap into their audience base to bolster your own. When it comes to the music scene in New York, who you know is just as important as what you know.

Beyond The Music

You’ll need to really nurture those relationships, too–now is not the time to be a flake. Arrive early for gigs, be prepared, and interact positively with the audience and fellow artists. You haven’t hit the big time (yet), so be equal parts confident, humble, and appreciative.

Then there’s the legal side of DJing: make sure you have the necessary licenses and permissions for playing copyrighted music in public. This is to protect yourself from liabilities or lawsuits–and in turn, this will also protect your original music as well. Make sure to copyright your original material.

Remember, becoming a successful DJ takes time and dedication. By honing your skills, building your network, and consistently promoting yourself, you can increase your chances of making a mark in the vibrant New York City music scene.

How to be a DJ in New York: Let Recording Connection be Your Guide

New York is an amazing place to be a DJ, with crowds thirsting for new sounds every night of the week. But they won’t put up with amateur hour for too long. So what better way to learn about being a professional DJ than actually learning from a professional DJ?

Your mentor will show the software, hardware, and other equipment–and how to work it–you’ll need to make it in New York. Beyond developing your sets, you’ll see how to prepare for a gig, what you’ll bring with you, and how to score those gigs in the first place. If you’re ready to learn how to be an industry insider from an industry insider, get started today.

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