
The Benefits of Learning Inside A Recording Studio

At Recording Connection we believe there are two types of people who want to get into the music business. Those on the outside looking in and those who are already on the inside. In this video, mentor and studio owner, audio engineer/producer Donny Baker talks about getting your foot in the door and what to do once you’re there.

Recording Connection’s alternative approach to Music Production School, Electronic Music School, Beat Making School, Audio School, Hip Hop School, Recording School, Audio Mixing School, DJ School is very simple. We place you on the inside of the music business from day one, as a student extern inside of a recording studio where you live. Once you are on the inside, the possibilities are right there for you to see. If you are on the outside, you could spend a lot of time and frustration trying to get in.

We are education in reverse. It’s real simple. Every other school on the planet will educate you over there in a classroom and then send you out into the real world to try and get ten jobs with thousands of graduates. More importantly, you’re on the outside looking in. This is not a sustainable model for 2013, 14, 15, and beyond. This is not a sustainable model.

There’s too many people. There’s too many of you. The only way to get educated with seven billion people on the planet is to get educated from the inside. This is the old way. This is the way it used to be done. You need to be on the inside. Why? It’s real simple. Who’s going to hire you? How are you going to stand out if you’re competing with 1000 other people? How are you going to get hired if you’re competing with 1500, 2000 other people all who have the exact same diploma?

The fact is, let’s not mince words. You’re not going to get hired that way, ever. That’s for suckers. That’s for people who don’t think things through. You’ve got to have guile. You’ve got to be crafty in 2013, 14, and beyond. What do you have to do? Get educated on the inside. Why? Because then you can audition for a job. You’re showing what you’re made of every time you show up to your externship day with us.

So, let’s say, you go to school with us on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. You’re in a recording studio, in this example, or film production company. You show up. You’ve got your homework done. You’re there 15 minutes early, and you work your butt off that day, and you show your mentor, your teacher, the studio owner what you’re worth.

Not only do you have a personal relationship with him now, not only are you not competing with 150 other kids, but you’ve just worked hard which means you just showed him that you are worthy of a job. That’s how you get hired in the 21st century. We’re the only school who’s training you from the inside. Every other school trains you from the outside. So all those kids when they graduate from that $40,000 school are going to be knocking on the door of the studio that you’re an extern at. Visualize that.

Are you going to let them in? Who’s going to get that job? Even if your mentor let them in. Who’s going to get the job? Your mentor is going to give the job to you if you’ve done everything right. He’s not going to risk or waste his time on someone he doesn’t know. This is so logical that most people frankly miss it, but it’s time to get wise. It’s time to get smart. The way to get educated today is the Recording, Radio & Film Connection way, one-on-one inside a real studio.

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